People are Talking – True Life Testimonials

People are Talking About – True Life Personal Coaching
“Calling Victoria was the best thing I have ever done for myself. With her gentle guidance, I have reached into the depths of myself and faced things I didn’t even know were there. She is the only person I am totally honest with, which in turn has enabled me to be honest with myself. Revelation after revelation has helped me to clearly see the path I wish to take in my life, the courage to pursue my dreams, and the confidence to see them to fruition. Having Victoria beside me through this incredible journey is truly the most precious gift I can give myself.”
– Gwen Williams, Durango, CO
“Victoria’s leadership was OUTSTANDING! As a facilitator of many a formal training session, I am very impressed with the approachability and comfort-ability that you embody. You are truly the living example of the lessons you offer up to those in your retreats and coaching, obviously an accomplished practitioner. You are a true Millenium-Era Goddess, timeless actually. You inspire joy and cause for those around you to become more loving and feel loved. You are a Blessing! IF I grow up, I want to be just like you!!”
– Nica Anderson, Fort Collins, CO
“Working with Victoria is like having a mirror that shows me the image of my authentic self, not the image that is never enough or has all this improvement to complete before I can love myself. She helped me rediscover my source of power and use that power to make life choices that align with my values and desires. I am more alive today and now when I look in the mirror I see me, and it is enough. Victoria provided a safe and challenging environment and I showed up with a little bit of courage and a willingness to try – that’s all it takes!”
– Barb Horn, Biologist, Colorado Division of Wildlife
“If you are ready to remove the invisible octopus that wraps itself around you and chokes your life’s desires & dreams, then Victoria is your coach. Her ability to guide you to access those silent, unconscious messages and replace them with life affirming beliefs & actions is remarkable. If you are willing to do this gentle, loving & incredibly effective work, results are guaranteed to follow.”
– Mary Hunt, Real Estate Agent, Pagosa Springs, CO
“After finally realizing my dream of moving to Durango, I was surprised and saddened to feel so “out of sync” with my hopes and expectations. Yet I lacked the energy and motivation to address that feeling. Victoria’s passion for her work drew me in and inspired me to take action. My life coaching experience has been truly transformational. I saw that as I moved closer to my core values, I moved closer to knowing the true “me.” The heaviness of “shoulds” and unrealistic expectations have been replaced with the lightness of peace, joy and creativity — the very life I had hoped to find here. Again, words cannot express the true power of our work together. I had read the testimonials on your web site before we started our work. I just reread them and I understand their words and feelings so much more now! THANK YOU.”
– Mandy Mikulencak, Fomer Director WRC, Durango, CO
“I was in a place of burnout and frustration in my life when I decided to commit to starting a coaching relationship with Victoria. I would recommend coaching to anyone who wants to be more effective and to live more intentionally. The advantage of having a coach is more than accountability. It’s about having the support of an alternative perspective which gives you information to really see yourself and then to make changes around that. The self-awareness I gained was invaluable. Victoria provided me with great tools that I continue to use. She was encouraging and affirming and challenging, which supported the growth I experienced. Coaching is a worthwhile investment in yourself and your life!
– Cathy Roberts, Durango, CO
“You have been so great to work with – I love that I can be fully expressive with you. I appreciate your non-judgment, your reminding me of my potential when I doubt it myself, your use of imagery and metaphors land perfectly for me, and your humour and brassiness.”
– Grace Yvonne Attard, Toronto, Canada
“I learned about feminine power being a strong, not passive, route to better balance. You facilitated connection in a nurturing, productive atmosphere.
– Ann Christensen
“Your leadership was strong yet flowing. It was comforting to learn I’m more like other moms than I thought.
– Joslyn Stanciampo
“I learned I’ve never lost my inner strength, just lost touch with it. This experience will have a life-changing impact for me – I already feel that I have altered my path. Victoria’s exceptional guidance allowed me to touch an inner strength I’ve been trying to reach for years.
– Charly Alexander

People Are Talking About – Group Coaching & Sovereignty Circles
“The story circle was great! Seeing and hearing the transformation of all the retreat sisters! As always, Victoria struck a great balance between being the leader and acknowledging the leaders in us all. As always, a sensitive, intuitive, compassionate guide! The retreat was a gift of time, space and guidance to access my wise and present leader within. To touch and explore that place. To lead in my own life, and in doing so, create confidence and context to lead others.”
– Penny Wanger, Durango, CO
“My experience with Victoria’s group coaching program has helped me to gain new insights to my thoughts and feelings, and has helped bring me closer to my authentic self. These tools give me strength and encouragement when I come across a bump in the road of life. I strongly recommend her group coaching to anyone wanting to enhance their life.”
– Charly Alexander, Durango, CO
“You held the reins loose and flexible allowing each one of us to find our own gate. And you kept us on track with ease.
– Elle Konsevik, Boston, Mass.
“I don’t think I ever participated so fully from my heart in any retreat or class or group activity before. As a result, I got a lot out of the retreat. I feel more confident and more connected to my family and friends and to the whole planet! Thank you for that gift Victoria – I am grateful. The purification ceremony before we set off on our Quests was moving. To see each woman leave behind that which no longer served her. I was leaving behind the desire to meet the expectations of others, especially those who love me. And I DID, not just for the Quest but more and more in my daily life too. I admired the way you were flexible and willing to adjust plans. I liked the way you involved everyone. You created an environment where it was safe to authentically speak up.
– Cindy Marrs, Albuquerque, NM
“I learned that as the author of my story and life, I want it to be more authentic and vibrant. Victoria seamlessly led the group. Her coaching knowledge, loving demeanor and therapeutic skills were evident in the group as well as with each individual. Her leadership was evident in how each and every day was perfect. ”
– Val Staff, Albuquerque, NM
People are Talking About – True Life Coaching in the Workplace
“Thank you Victoria for the enlightenment, guidance and supportive role you have provided to me and my staff in our personal and professional growth! Your direct and compassionate approach both in coaching and group facilitation has brought greater awareness and clarity to my own leadership, and created a framework for my staff to define team values, develop a mission statement and strengthen skills in communication and solution-oriented processes. The tenacity, integrity, wisdom and appreciative inquiry that you bring to every encounter I have had with you leaves me with precious gems to build upon and contemplate. Thanks again!”
– Sara Olsen Market Manager American General Media, Durango, CO
“As always, you show up with the right words to support me in my journey. Finishing certification is just a start to new beginnings for me- I can feel it! I’m still not sure where the coaching will lead me yet I know I AM sitting taller in the saddle because of my inner journey and work we accomplished together. You are a superb coach and wish I had someone like you as a friend here in Whitefish. However, you have opened the door for me to allow that to happen!
I am most proud of awakening my True Self. I am more relaxed, more comfortable in my own skin, more focused, more playful and bold, more committed to be challenged around personal growth. I love who I am and who I am becoming. I am riding into a southwest sunset, singing with ease, with the wind blowing through my hair!”
– Rox Rogers, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, Whitefish, MT
“I very much appreciate the jump start you gave us. Tremendous work!!! The format was molded and developed by consensus, based upon the great start you designed to get us going. It went at a pace that served us well and we are very happy with how it is working. Right place, right time! One of our Team members is a changed woman after the meetings with you. She took a QUANTUM LEAP in responsibility, motivation, pride, initiative, and self esteem after those meetings. I think you really changed a life there!”
– Dr. Matt Falkenstein, DDS , Durango, CO
“Victoria was brilliant and persistent in helping me see beyond my current problem, which led me to a greater awareness of the situation and most importantly, the many solutions that I never even considered. As a coach, Victoria is quite adept in staying present and focused in a manner conducive to facilitating change, both personally and across my organization.”
– Mark Kalyta, Toronto, Canada
“I found the material quite useful. It gave me a different perspective on themes of personal power and growth as a Leader. This retreat will help me reenter a more engaged life where I can contribute my gifts and wisdom. Victoria led from a genuine, caring heartspace. She was well-versed in the material and able to listen very well and provide much insight.
– Catherine Widenhofer
People are Talking About – Retreats of Self Discovery
“The Living from your Soul retreat for me was the ultimate launching pad for a personal soul journey. My mind was opened to an array of unique paths in which to explore and expand awareness of my place in this world. Blue Lake Ranch is a stunning, nurturing and still place to renew and seek. Victoria graciously created a truly sacred space that allowed each woman to search and free her soul in complete protection. The weekend was an invaluable experience that I treasure deep in my heart, and I recommend it to any woman regardless of beliefs or fears! Thank you again Victoria for everything – you have helped give me my life back!”
Jeanine Egner, Durango, CO
“You put on a wonderful, meaningful retreat. I was in awe of your ability to gently keep the circle on track and yet allow each of us freedom of expression. Victoria’s combining the elements of that special valley, the meditations, the Kiva experience and visualization techniques all allowed me to reconnect to flow, to tap back into my faith and gratitude. Plus 3 delicious meals a day – what more could a body and spirit want?
– Fran Menley
“The exercises I participated in, with Victoria’s guidance, gave me an insight into my inner thoughts and feelings which had been so deeply hidden, I didn’t even realize I had them. This revelation made the retreat outstanding.
– Charly Alexander
“I was ready to let go of the learned behavior, and take the steps to truly honor myself. With Victoria’s gentle guidance through some rough waters, I came away from my retreat with such awareness and a new understanding of me. Even though we only had 24 hours together, I continue to find new value each day. When you’re ready to look honestly and deeply within, wonders appear, and old beliefs fall away. I can’t begin to thank Victoria for the difference she has made in my life! I learned that I have the power and ability to succeed in whatever I do. It will help me focus and move forward! Victoria’s leadership was gentle and loving, yet able to direct things to stay on purpose. If you’re looking for a relaxing and safe adventure, spending time with awesome women, and are ready to take time for yourself, this retreat is a must.”
– Gwen Williams, Durango, CO
“Victoria listened very intently, was very connected and had keen observations. She was fluid to the energy of the group and is a beautiful light! I loved the authenticity of the women participating and the beauty of our setting. I came away from the weekend reminded of what being authentic looks and feels like. I learned I need to allow and nurture the feminine within myself.”
– Kathy Zingraf
“Those 5 days on the River Retreat were wonderful, adventurous, exhilerating, enlightening and increased my aliveness a thousand times. I look forward to the future whatever it holds. I love you all and miss you already. Please stay in touch!”
-KerryJane Huber, Colorado Springs
“I was reminded how very important it is in my life to ‘paddle my own boat”. This retreat gave me an opportunity to step outside of the lockstep of daily life and re-vision my life against the magnificent backdrop of the Colorado River.”
– Donna Pauline
“I learned what it feels like to give myself permission to put me #1 – in a gentle way that’s as essential as breathing.”
– B.H., Durango, CO
“This retreat was an amazing blend of working on myself and playing. It helped me be more aware of my feelings and realize I’m not the only one with struggles. I enjoyed every minute.”
– K.H., Durango, CO
“To be with a woman like you who can bring together a group and have them blend together so easily is amazing. You are truly a gift. I’m so glad I gave this day to myself!”
– Kim Caldwell
“My experience at Spa for the Soul was one of tremendous support, insight and community. The setting was nurturing in every detail. It reflected Victoria’s remarkable sensitivity to what truly nourishes our souls. While she directed and facilitated the many facets of the weekend, I found her to be completely present with each of us and masterful at hearing what we were seeking to express. I completed the weekend feeling very filled and very grateful.”
– F.L., Eureka, Mont.
“The Life Purpose exercise will exhilarate and motivate you! It brings new meaning to the time-honored childhood question, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?”
– M.M., Durango, CO
“My favorite time was sitting quietly on the mountain and reflecting. Thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow and love myself.”
– A.R., Farmington, NM
“Thank you for the priceless gift of your coaching and your absolutely divine leadership on retreat. My weekend at Kelly Place has left me feeling blessed and expanded. I truly appreciate your commitment to creating safe, nurturing and inspiring space for women, and the soft yet powerful way you call forth the goddess in all of us is amazing. Thank you for guiding and supporting me in the art of accepting myself for who I am AND igniting joy and desire around stretching!”
– Carrie Garber, Durango, CO