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As a 21st Century Heroine, navigating your Life’s Changes,

  • Do you hold back on what your Heart desires because there’s not enough ‘evidence’ for success in the here and now? Wishing you knew the path to your own Becoming?
  • Or, having answered the Call, are you sitting inside the cocoon of Becoming, trying to be patient with no answers as your journey unfolds from Mystery in its own unique timing?
  • Or, are you Celebrating the Freedom of spreading your Heart’s Wings as you fly high with Belief, Trust and Joy?

The Heroine’s Journey is your path to transformation, from Caterpillar to Butterfly, from within to without, from staying safe to finding your Heart’s passion and living it. It begins when you hear the call to Change. Life will call you out of what’s familiar and where you’re competent for your highest good – to the life your Soul was born to live. After passing the Threshold Guardians that would stop you, there is a time of exploration and new discoveries. Opening your eyes to ways of living you hadn’t known before. This can be a delicious smorgasbord of tasting the enormous gifts life has to offer. Playful and exciting!

c43b9f24-43d7-43ab-9c42-9bf419ca23c7At some point though, after all that journeying, we must Leap into the True Unknown, the Mystery. Inside a dark cocoon, the Chrysalis waits – your heart waits – with no answers, only questions. Breathing deeply, exploring in the darkness, finally a new Being is ready to be born… ready to open its vulnerable heart’s wings and fly!

This 6 day/5 night True Life Retreat will support your Courage & the journey to find your Heart’s Wings. There will be Deep Connection to your True Self, others on the path and the enchantment that is Maui. We will explore the outstanding Beauty that is everywhere, with Stillness to Listen, Time to receive Wisdom, entering depths uncharted and Celebrating the discovery of your Heart’s Wings!

My Own Heroine’s Journey

This may sound like the Road is easy and the process without any discomfort. It’s not. For the past 3 years, as my own Heroine’s Journey has unfolded once again after ending a 25 year marriage, I’ve allowed myself to answer the Call of my Soul – to travel, meet new people from different cultures and search for a fresh way to contribute to the transformation our planet is spinning through. This winter, leading a retreat in the northern jungle mountains of Thailand, I even flew through the canopy for hours by magical zipline, feeling the exhilaration of letting go of my past limits and leaping towards my own Great Story.

But I wasn’t there yet. I came back to the exceptional beauty of Colorado and mostly retreated on a mountaintop. I slowed way down, worked little and allowed myself the time to wait. Wait with an open, curious heart. Wait for the last vestiges of an old me to decay and fall away, while offering gratitude for the purposes they had fulfilled. Something new was coming but it could not be rushed. The level of Trust and Faith I was developing in my cocoon was astonishing to me. The ability to put aside the old voice that told me I better start being productive was exhilarating! What a relief to rest! (Does this resonate with you at all?)

And now, after all this waiting, I found my heart’s wings! What better way to share the journey and its gifts than to bring you on a 6 day retreat in the lush beauty of Maui, the Isle of Enchantment. In a peaceful tropical setting, we’ll bring intense focus to the beautiful Soul’s Journey you’ve been on so far, and guide you to the discovery of your unique Strengths, Power and Passion that are the Triumph for you to live your Great Story.

IO_Valley Uninhibited_group_at_Heiaw Maui_sunset_2

Over the last few years I noticed some key stories that my clients had. Many of them were feeling as though their life was going in circles. As hard as they tried to overcome challenges in their lives, they just could not seem to break out of old patterns. They seemed to always end up in the same place. Feeling there was more to enjoy in life and yet that passion and joy seemed to elude them.

Others were grateful for the love of friends and family, enjoying travel and play and yet feeling like there was something more they wanted to contribute. They were looking for new ways to express themselves and the gifts they have to offer. Sensing they were being called in new directions but but were mystified as to what that looked like for them.

And others are Spiritual seekers who sense the world is in the midst of a big transformation and are eager to play their role in the new paradigm. They’ve felt the pull of their Soul calling them to surrender to Change but can’t see how to let go and have faith in the process; to live with Trust as they navigate this deeper, purpose-driven terrain.

In other words – how to get from HERE, where you are now, to THERE. To Find your Heart’s Wings and Fly… To live your Great Story!

By diving deeply into the framework of your Great Story, you will find a fresh perspective on yourself and understand the limits of the past, and how living your Great Story now offers the freedom and empowerment that will give wings to each moment of your life.

The Great Story journey involves healing the fear and pain of perceived separation in every part of your story. It is a never-ending expansion of love and forgiveness – a discovery of the magnificence of your True Self. And it is unfolding as part of a Global Great Story, part of an unprecedented Paradigm Shift in human evolution from Separation to Connection.

“Taking The Heroine’s Journey with Victoria has been the noblest decision I have made in the past year. Victoria has given me the tools to make the journey by supporting and nurturing, and also by telling me truths and encouraging me to go forward when I was stuck. Everyone should have a coach, and Victoria is the perfect one for the Heroine’s Journey. Victoria’s approach gives you the foundation and knowledge, and then the necessary tools to make the journey, stand in the light, and claim your birth right as the Heroine.”

Heather Wittman
Colorado Springs, CO


“Thank you for the priceless gift of your absolutely divine leadership on retreat. I feel blessed and expanded. I truly appreciate your commitment to creating safe, nurturing and inspiring space for women, and the soft yet powerful way you call forth the goddess in all of us is amazing. Thank you for guiding and supporting me in the art of accepting myself for who I am AND igniting joy and desire around stretching to be my bigger True Self!”

Carrie Garber
San Diego, CA

Are you ready to say farewell to old stories of Overcoming and Victim?

Does your Soul long to sink into the Connection/Oneness that we truly are a part of?

If you hear YES, join me and a small, intimate group of women for a week dedicated to remembering and returning to the enchantment of fully living your Great Story.


Your 6 day Heroine’s Journey Retreat on the Enchanted Isle of Maui includes:

  • 6 days of guided facilitation for your Heroine’s Evolution with True Life Coach Victoria
  • 5 nights beautiful private lodging at the Banyan Tree House Retreat Center. (Ask about shared lodging if needed)
  • 3 delicious meals each day of fresh, inventive and healthy cuisine
  • 2 half day sessions of Beach Dance, a unique experience merging movement, music and the ocean
  • Sacred journey to Io Valley, and sacred sites
  • Creating Soul Art inspired by your retreat experience
  • Labyrinth and Beauty Walk of Illumination with the 4 Directions
  • Your Great Story Life Appraisal
  • Morning Mindfulness Meditation
  • Candlelight Visualization ritual
  • 1 pre-retreat True Life Coaching session
  • 1 post-retreat True Life Integration session
  • 1 pre-retreat Heroine’s Introductory group call
  • Closing Ceremony to Celebrate your Heart’s Wings!

This retreat supports your Heroine’s Journey – taking Leaps beyond the familiar & being guided to call forth an Inner Transformation. It combines the best Coaching Tools with Adventure Travel on the Enchanted Island of Maui. If you have the Spirit for Adventure – Join Us!

“It was truly incredible to be surrounded by feminine energy in nature. As women we don’t take enough time to recharge ourselves and truly appreciate our own feminine energy or that of the women in our lives – this retreat made that possible!”

Ana Maria Vasquez
Durango, CO


“I was unsure what I was in for when I signed up for The Heroine’s Journey Retreat, but I went with my gut feeling. All I can say is “WOW”, the retreat so far exceeded my expectations in every way. Victoria was incredible. All of the women who attended were amazing and became like sisters. The facility and location were fantastic. I highly recommend this retreat for anyone looking to connect with themselves, nature and others in a very unique way. You will definitely not regret it.”

Cindy Hennessey
Vail, CO

The Banyan Tree House, Makawao


The Banyan Tree House Retreat Center, originally built in 1927, is located in a quiet, rural upcountry Maui setting near the cowboy town of Makawao, with views of the Pacific. Our updated accommodations include the historic plantation house with three large bed rooms/ suites as well as individual, spacious cottages. All cottages and suites include a private bath and kitchen/ kitchenette. Large banyan, monkeypod and jacaranda trees create a peaceful, shady oasis amidst the many fruit trees, flowers and sunny, wide open lawns. Several swings and hammocks hang from the trees offering comfortable private places around the property. The 50′ swimming pool and hot tub are for the private use of our guests. The 700 sq. ft. open studio is perfect for meditation and dance and is fully equipped with a sophisticated audio/ video system.


“Dreams do come true. Yes, even yours. But you have to meet them part way. Get up and do something towards them. Now.” – Joe Vitale: American self-help author and motivational speaker

“Victoria’s leadership has a gentle strength. I felt guided throughout the retreat, not pushed. Her loving nature shined on everyone equally and her leadership provided me with comfort. I felt my heart open each time she spoke; her words solid and enriching.

I’ve learned that I will no longer compromise my heart and intuition. Being part of an amazing group of wise women helped me to know that fear is learned and in spite of that fear, I am meant to shine, all I need do is be quiet and listen within, everything I need is already there.”

Eileen Joseph
Philadelphia, PA


“Victoria’s leadership was OUTSTANDING! As a facilitator of many a formal training session, I am very impressed with the approachability and comfort-ability that you embody. You are truly the living example of the lessons you offer up to those in your retreats and coaching, obviously an accomplished practitioner. You are a true Millenium-Era Goddess, timeless actually. You inspire joy and cause for those around you to become more loving and feel loved. You are a Blessing! IF I grow up, I want to be just like you!!”

Nica Anderson
Colorado Springs, CO